Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy 10th Birthday, Google!

The Official Google Blog’s latest post: 10 years and counting

And since everyone keeps asking what we’d like for our birthday (besides cake and party hats) — the first thing we thought of was a nice new server rack.

A very special logo is up on the Google homepage today to commemorate the occasion, adapted from the original picture (note the exclamation point):

Google’s been touting this birthday for the past week or so, with a cool AJAX-ey timeline that seems to be increasing in entries as time goes on. Having visited the Denver Google offices before they closed, I’ve seen firsthand what a fun, amazing place Google is to be, and I have a great amount of respect for the company and what they’ve accomplished in a mere ten years (putting aside the big-brother like eeriness of them knowing anything and everything about me… *ahem* Molly…).

Are you a Google fan? Did it revolutionize your life? Should they go bankrupt Monday morning? I love feedback. Comment, people. Comment.

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